Updates: Subcontractors & Parking Reminder

Contractors are on Mayfair Lane

May 15, 2024

Dear neighbors,

Construction Update

As you may have seen already, subcontractors are on Mayfair Lane this week to execute downspout replacement and install the flashing between planting beds and houses. Please note that you do not need to move your vehicle(s).

General Parking Reminder

Please remember that parking in the turnaround areas between houses is not permitted. Parking in these areas impedes proper garage-backouts and other parking maneuvers for neighbors whose garages flank the turnarounds.

Further, to ensure successful parking for all, when parking curbside to your home please:

  • park as close to the curbs as possible, making sure to stay within the painted lines

  • do not block neighbors’ garages

  • do not park in front of your own garage, as the space outside it is meant to be used by drivers maneuvering in and out of neighboring garages

Thank you very much for your patience and flexibility!

Your Mayfair Lane Board


Gutter Cleaning, Roof Inspection + a Reminder


Reminder: Lane-Wide Meeting for Homeowners is 4/29/24